Stylization in a 13th Century image of ships, sailors and the sea

June 4, 2012 § 1 Comment


Stylization is a tendency I have in image making. I like looking at medieval works of art because of the flattening of space, and the repeated image that becomes rhythmic patterns. But I have to be careful. In my work it can work against me and be perhaps like an over sweetened dessert.

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§ One Response to Stylization in a 13th Century image of ships, sailors and the sea

  • Leon Waller says:

    I have a tendency to bring stylization into my image making as well. I like looking at medieval works of art because of the flattening of space, and the repeated image that becomes rhythmic patterns. But I have to be careful. In my work it can work against me and be perhaps like an over sweetened dessert.

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