Back to Blogging ( I hope…)

December 6, 2013 Comments Off on Back to Blogging ( I hope…)

IMG_1642I have been caught up with my exhibition an it’s aftermath. I have kind of let the blogging go by the way. I hope to fix this soon. I have been to a few museums about the city at this time. The thing is when you are in a city full of great museums, you can take all this for granted. This is a bad habit, I wish to break.

The image you see here is an artist paint and brush box from the 1800’s.  It was in the Luce Center, 4th floor at the New York Historical Society. The center is a very large room that allows visitors to see behind the scenes, how museum objects are stored when not mounted on display. It is a great place to visit to get some sense of the history of New York City, and some sense of how museums manage their collections.


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